11 August 2015

Long overdue post: Bye grandma

Back date to September 2015:
Sorry for the silent post for the past two month. Things were very crazy busy with the in-laws visit for three weeks. Ended up we needed two weeks of recovery as we all caught the cold from the niece. Then just as I was recovering. We received the news that Eric's grandma had a fall at home in hk, and broke her hip. So it was panicking time for his mum. Calling back daily to ckeck up on her, and worried about lots of what ifs. The doctors had to keep her on painkillers and in bed at the hospital as she was on many medication. Therefore it is very risky to operate. So they had to cut down her medication one by one, but that made her mental illness worse. 

Then three weeks ago, mum txted me saying my grandma (dad's mum) is in hospital (Malaysia). She felt an oppression and discomfort in her chest the whole night. And she could not sleep. So early in the morning on Thursday, she called my uncle, and he drove her to hospital. The doctors kept her in for observation. Everything seems fine. Grandpa and many relatives went to visit her. On Sunday, I called mum to check on grandma, and she said she's fine. Dad had spoken to her on Saturday and she's looking forward to going home. However on Monday morning, kor called me at 10 am, telling me that grandma had passed away on Sunday night. 

It was crazy after that. I was in shocked. I couldn't believe that grandma is gone. She's the youngest grandma I've ever known! She should be living to her ripe old age, not now?! 
I had to quickly rearrange patients, book air tickets, send emails.....
All so Eric and I could leave on Wednesday morning, going back to my hometown to say good bye for the final time. And the last time I step foot into Malaysia was to introduce Eric to my grandparents before we got married. 

The funeral was peaceful and calming. Lots of relatives from my grandpa and grandma family came to pay their final respects. It's like a big gathering. Distance relatives from KL came as well, driving down south after work. 

As for me, I spent a lot of time bonding and comforting my grandpa. He's devastated and also coming down with a cold. Acupuncture came in useful to help him with the discomfort, fatigue and him battling cold. But nothing can stop his heart aching for his wife that is gone. 

Eric had good time bonding with the many relatives at the funeral. Many people did not know him formally yet. He enjoys the many yummy Hakka food that our village is famous for. Trying out the food that I ate from my childhood days. Even his Chinese language improves tremendously over the five days there too!

Continue from 2016:
Sadly, a week after we got home from Malaysia, we received the news that Eric's grandma had passed away in HongKong, after catching an infection from surgery to fix her hip. It's quite sad all over, especially Eric's mum, whom can't be there to bid farewell for the last time.

The rest of 2015 passed with Eric studying really hard to catch up the few weeks of missing class from flying here n there for funerals, and me driving here n there for work. I landed myself in a job working with another IVF clinic, this time a bit further away at Parramatta. It involves early morning drives of 40 mins, waking up super early at 6am. This place is ethically much better than the previous clinic I worked in. And I've gotten to know many of the nurses and doctors there. They are quite friendly bunch of people. So far, quite a few patients had become pregnant, and a few of them are under herbal medicine strengthening phase. I hope that in the coming few months, I'll be getting a few good news. 

I'll end off here. I'm sorry for the MIA for the past few months. I'll hope to update more in the coming year.
