17 May 2013

1st post~!

Wow! My 2nd blog! ^_^
(or maybe the 3rd, as my first blog provider decided to close down)

Anyhow, thank you all that had followed my blog since the early days. Please continue to drop by and say HI! To all the new visitors, thank you for visiting and hope that you'll invite me to share in your lives too!

I had decided to start this new blog because it coincides with  many new changes that were happening around us.
I'm now a wife to Eric. Stay at home chef. Full time cleaner, de-clutterer, and organiser. Part-time clinic set up planner. And lastly, a hobby gardener.
We had recently moved up from the freezing-clean-quiet-capital Canberra, where we had met, married and lived for the past 3 years, to the big-congested-polluted-mountainous Sydney. 
It was a big change and we would be hopefully here for another 4 years while my dear hubby finish studying  his 4th degree.

This blog shall be a snapshot of our lives here in Sydney. And hopefully, you will not only be the first to share our tears, downs and frustration, but also be the first to share our joy, laughter and excitement.

There are a few back dated post which I'll try posting up in the coming weeks. Hopefully they will be a good snapshots of my life so far in Sydney.

I thank God for the opportunity and blessings that came our way and those yet to come.

Gd night!

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