03 June 2013

Point location exam

Today is the big day for Eric. It is his first exam of the semester.
1st of  the First~! With many (7 more semesters worth of exams) to come.

We spent the days leading up to and including the weekend, practicing points location. He needed to remember the location of >200+ points. Woow!
And how lucky he is that I had done exactly the same thing back in my good-old-uni-days. It's been almost 8 years from my first acupuncture exam. How quickly time flies.

For me, I felt quite privilege to be of a good help to him and it helps me to re-remember the many lost n forgotten points. *sheepish grin*
I think it is just like what many of my practicing friends and all TCM doctors will agree on. As we start practicing in the real world, we will start  forming accumulating our own favourite points. Points which we have gain quite confident in their abilities and usefulness. And we will get into this routine of using them over n over again. That's why I love going to different Professional Development seminars! At those seminars, I can rediscovers points which I had neglected/forgotten/undermined/teacher's 'not-favourite' points.... or many other reasons.
Learning from people who had used and share their favourite points helps me to learn and using it in my own practise. Thus expanding and incorporating it into my own collection. =)

Hope that my darling boy will do well today. Don't be too nervous and forgets ALL the right location!


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