08 June 2014

It is so cold!

The wintery weather has finally arrived in sydney after the abnormal long spell of hot summer weather. It's a record low of 10 degC today! Woohoo!

Man it was hard getting out of bed today to get to church in this freezing weather. But we did in the end (rushing through breakfast with a nice hot bowl of instant noodles) n so did many little kiddies in my 9am crèche. 

My puffy jacket is officially out for business this season. Now, where's my beanie....



mun said...

Oooooo, it must be very cold. I am not a cold weather person. Can't even sit in an air cond room here with 27 degree celcius.

kcantares said...

It's times like this where I love sitting under the warm sun. =)