24 June 2014

Roasted capsicum

Have you tried eating capsicum, the burnt way? 
Let me show you. First, throw the capsicum, whole, onto the gas stove

Let the skin burnt.

Look at these beauty!

Now, the next step is to scrap off the burnt skin using a teaspoon. The skin will peels easily from the soft roasted flesh.

Give it a nice rinse. 
You will be rewarded with a nice juicy roasted capsicum.

Because it is roasted whole, the juice will be contained within the fruit. So don't waste the yummy juices!

Sliced it up n add it to your other roasted veges like eggplant, pumpkin sweet potatoes, and sprinkle with some roasted sunflower seeds. The roasted flavor will add a good depth to your salad.



1 comment:

mun said...

Thanks for sharing. I have eaten roasted capsicum like this once and it is truly very tasty.