What happened? The GP passed it to me!!!!
I was all good till I enter his clinic. OMG, it was so stuffy in the clinic. Each time he came out to get another patient, he was coughing here n there, and at times you can hear him coughing in his consultation room. >_<
Then behold, it was my turn!
I was quite scared entering his room. During the consultation, he turned to the wall on his side of the room n cough. (fair enough, if he covers his hand, he will pass it to me when he write things down for me) BUT.... in that tiny room, where ever he cough, it will just pass all over the room. >_< And true enough, I was down with his cold 2 days later. *sad* And that was just to see him for getting the script for BLOOD Test.
To make things worse, I'm now not able to take my usual medication because I'm under observation. So I can only stare longingly at my cough medication, while Eric helped me with Moxibustion on the Acupuncture points. In the meantime, I am having ginger tea and warm Lime and honey all the time to stop the cough from worsening. (working so far, yay!)
Fast forward to 5 days later....
I went back to get the blood test result. The doctor is STILL coughing around the clinic!
Omg. And behold, I'm now coughing like that doctor around the house. >_<
I hated coughing. Not just because it caused my rib to crack back in 2010, but that I will have difficulty sleeping from this cough. =( now, we had moved back to my MIL's place, sleeping in the living room on my reclining chair at night, so that I can sleep peaceful-er than on my flat bed.
I hope whatever the virus the doctor got, will get defeated by my immune system soon.
Take care everyone!
You take care too! Rest well.
Thank you! =) now recovered. It's eric's turn.
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