17 September 2014

Moon cake

I know, moon cake festival had come and gone. And since I've only had my moon cake late, I can still post it up here!

This is the moon cake I ask Eric to buy for me, all the way from the city bakery store. I liked it because it used to have winter melon seeds in the paste. But they did not add it this year!! >_<

I was sooooooo disappointed. 

Where's the gua zi? =(

Despite that, the moon cake is still yummy. A lot less sweet than the one MIL received as a gift from a friend. 

I think I will still continue to buy from this shop as they makes it fresh from the shop every year from Australian ingredients. Compared to the 'big brands' and commercial ones from overseas, I think these will be much fresher without the preservatives. 

But please add the gua zi next time! 



Health Freak Mommy said...

I love red bean mooncakes too and yes, it must be with lots of gua zhi too!

mun said...

I love my mooncakes with gua zi too! Fresh mooncakes are so much better than prepacked ones I agree. Yours is a red bean paste moon cake, right?

kcantares said...

Yup, you are right Mun. The one on the pic is the Red bean moon cake. I was too excited to eat the lotus paste one that I cut it open without taking a pic. >_< haha.