31 October 2014

Updates on Eric

Hi Everyone!!

Thank you everyone for your well-wishes and prayers for Eric. We came back from his follow-up visit to the specialist today. The stool sample from the hospital did not show any abnormality. So that's a praise point! ^_^

However, they still want to do a colonoscopy on him to check his large intestine. We have it scheduled for next year February, right before the CNY.

So what's he up do?

Eric's busy studying and preparing for his upcoming exams. His first exam is next Wednesday!!! >_<

Even though there's 2 exams to study, there's lots of memorization. Please pray that I will be patient and helpful with his study for the coming week. So looking forward to the end of this stressful time! 


Grand Design Home show.

Last Friday (oh my, it's been a week!), we took a day off work to go to the Grand Design home show in the Sydney Exhibition Centre. We had been big fans of the show as it show case many up to date eco designs with lots of renewable and green energy focus. And since we have a house to renovate, why not go there for a peek to get some good ideas on how we can be environmentally conscious in our renovation. 

Good job on Eric getting this bargain ticket months in advance. =) It's FREE! Ticket at the door were $80/each I think. 

Sorry if you are looking for photos of the exhibits, I didn't take any! =P There are just booths n stands. So nothing much to look at. We sat in at a few short seminars, listening to the speakers on:
Rainwater Harvesting
How can I make sure my new garden is sustainable?
How to incorporate a geoexchange system into a residential project
How lighting can change your interior
Decorating with small places.

The Rain water harvesting was our 'surprise' attendance as we arrived not long into the exhibition centre, and it just so happened that we stumbled upon them where they had it going for the last 10 mins. I would so love to have a few at home, collecting the waters during those stormy weathers and use the waters for the gardens and vege patch. At my current rate of using waste water from my vege and rice washing, my plants would have died already. haha.

I received a good tip from the guy doing the sustainable garden seminar. I am having this white fly outbreak at the moment. I tried 'luring' ladybirds or even a praying mantis, but they don't like to stay and eat up all the white flies. =( 
So his tip is: I need to make a house for them! 0.0
By putting a few sticks in a pile at the corner, they can feel safe n secure and start populating there and be my white fly predator. He says it's no reason why there's food for them but they are not staying. So I shall try building mini houses for ladybirds. hehehe.

The Geoexchange system is an interesting ecofriendly concept that I personally don't think it is possibble for us due to the cost. What it does is to tap into our earth's ground heat exchange, for heating and cooling our house. Because the earth's surface temperature are pretty constant throughout the seasons, so it helps to reduce the energy needed to cool or heat up the houses in winter/summer. Personally, the cost of implementing this system into our small residential house is not as economical as those big buildings like the Sydney opera house, Bukinham palace eg. which uses this technology to save on heating and cooling bills.

We are particularly interested in the new technologies in Solar heating. Currently, we have a government rebate going on for installing solar pannels. My mum n dad had installed some for my Perth's home, and it is awesome. It reduces the energy usage by almost half and they are not worried about turning on air-con/cooler/heater in those extreme temperature days. 
So Eric is also thinking of installing these solar pannels in our future home. Expecially if we are going to be working from our home clinic, it will come in useful. =) However, there is a setback on installing Solar panels. If there are no people at home using those green energy that the panels are producing, it will just be fed back into the electricity grid. And when it comes to night time (where everyone will be home and electricity usage high), we have to use normal electricity, thus not saving much with the electricity bills. 

I had been wondering about using 'batteries' that can harnest and save the charge for night time use for a long time. And each time, Eric will laugh at me and say, it's not possible as the technology is not that advance yet. 

Well, we found someone with the same vision as me at the centre! neeoQube!!!
They are big bulk batteries which can stores your green energy in the day, and use it at night for the times where we use electricity the most, for cooking, lighting, tv etc. How cool is that! 

However, the setback is that this technology is still quite relatively new. Even the sales guy told us to just put the solar panel on first, wait for 5 years, before installing the neeoQube. By then, hopefully the technology would be more advance and can help brings down the cost of each unit. (yes, currently they are quite expensive to own)

We walked around from 10am -4.40pm. 
Here's some photos of what we did AFTER the exhibition. =P

The original Sydney Exhibition centre is now under major renovation. So that's why the temporary marquee area at this little island of Glebe. Even thought it's temporary, the structures are very sturdy, and I love how we can catch a free ferry ride from Circular Quay to the island. Adding to the special-ness of the trip. =)

That's the Anzac bridge.

Hopping onto Captain Cook cruise ship!

We sat on the upper outdoor deck to absorb the nice harbor view. Look, the Sydney harbor bridge!

It's a nice warm evening. The weather is getting too hot for comfort lately.

Coming into Circular Quay. It's a nice 10mins ferry ride.

Passing by the Maritime museum. That's a decommissioned submarine next to the warship. =)

In Circular Quay.

Our dinner that night. We wanted to have the mini bowls again. But the queue was sooo long and there's limited seating. So we head to it's neighbouring stores 100m down the road. This place have mini bowls too, and they are equally yummy!

From left to right:
Salmon with salmon roe rice, beef rice, teriyaki chicken rice. And with the stewed egg. YUMM! The total cost of the rice comes to $3.90x3=$11.70!! Plus $1.50 for the egg.

We were satisfied with the portions. It seems like the hot weather makes us not want to eat too much these days. Does anyone living in the hot weather countries felt the same too?

On the way back, we stop by our friend's place to pick up the free chocolate cheesecake =)
She worked in Lindt cafe. And had been giving us free expired cakes from her cafe. (the shop would ask the employees to bring them back instead of chucking them away, and I think her family had a little too much cakes lately. haha) Sadly, she is now working in a full time office job. So this is our last Lindt cake for a while. Chocolate Cheesecake.

If anyone is interested, the White Chocolat Framboise from Lindt is highly recommended. It's our favorite gourmet cake =) (we thought it was a strawberry cake?) The fruits makes it quite light and not overly sweet like those milk chocolate ones (aka the one above).


23 October 2014

Garden protection

Spring brings lots of life and growth. There were two tomato plant from last season, which surprisingly survived the cold winter. And because of the possum problem around the backyard, I never had any harvest apart from one tiny tomato that survived the possum rampage. 

So when the two surviving tomato plant started blossoming and grew, I was just glad to see that maybe Ic an have a harvest again!

I had a pleasant surprised last weekend when I realised one of the tomato plant is actually a Grape tomato! (Something like a cherry tomato) 

Look! Can you see the little grape tomato there?  Unfortunately one week after this photo is taken,it's been eaten by the possums =(

Moving on to the other tomato plant, there are also many signs of good harvest this year. However....

Look at what happened to the neighboring sweet potato leaves! >_<
I was so looking to harvest them, and it's bulldozed by the possums. 

Even this little lime plant next to my Limey is also not spared.

Oh no oh no... How how...
I need to protect my tomatoes! 
So I found a temporary solution. 

Until Eric comes up with a better solution, hope it will stop them from eating my tomato plant. 


17 October 2014

Eric's back home

Hi everyone!

Thank you all for your prayers. Eric is now home since yesterday. He stayed in the hospital for two nights for the antibiotics drip. The ct scan showed that there are multiple inflammation in his large intestine. The diagnosis is still not out yet as they are still waiting for his blood results and stool culture for bacteria or done other things. 

So for the two days, he had liquid food for all his meals. 

A bowl of 'glue', orange jelly and a clear soup. That's his first breakfast.

After that, it's soup, orange jelly, orange/apple juice and 'So Good' soy milk (taste like blended cardboard) for the rest of the meals. Poor Eric had to 'beg'/ask the nurse for more food as these are all they gave. 

So now we just need to go back to see the specialist for the results in two weeks, and will go from there. Pray that it is just a simple infection and one that is easily treated.

The damage for his two night stay in the clinic : $50 of parking fee ( which the $39 was from the 12 hour wait in A&E, my highest parking record) 

Stay healthy everyone!


13 October 2014

Updates in emergency department.

Finally a bed in the emergency department!!!

Waiting for a ct scan, as the ultrasound didn't show much. But they almost rule out appendicitis. 

Hope nothing major will show up in the ct. 

Thank you everyone for your prayers!!


A day in emergency department.

Waiting at the hospital emergency at the moment. 

Poor thing, Eric had this 'suspected pineapple allergy' all weekend, causing him having pain in the tummy area. 

Then today, I finally had a check on his tummy (after his nagging of more pain than usual). And it turns out to be from his inflamed appendicitis! 
So off to the hospital we went after lunch. And we had been here since. 3hrs now. 

The emergency is very pack today (well,which day isn't?). They do not have a bed inside at the moment, so we are just waiting in the waiting room. They had taken his bloods and ECG. 

Let's hope it is not a long wait.

Pray for his speedy recovery. Hope no need to undergo surgery, but if do, pray for good outcome.


09 October 2014

Animal rescue: Mr bunny's swimming lesson

20 mins ago, Eric saw something hopping along the edge of the pool, followed by the neighbour's fluffy cat chasing at the back. The next thing I knew, the bunny hopped into the pool, and was trapped, not able to get back out.

That poor thing. Eric helped it out from the pool, n it decided to hide behind a rock, with its butt sticking out. -_-"

The cat was long gone, and we decided that the bunny should leave the backyard, or it will fall into the pool again. So I took a dustpan, wanting to carry the now drenched Mr bunny out into the sun.

Eric probe away the rock, and tempt the bunny to move onto my dustpan. But I guess it was still traumatised, it jumped pass the dustpan, hopped along the edge of the pool, and back into water AGAIN!! >_<  (never learn lesson arh?!)

I did not know that rabbits are good swimmer. This Mr-very-fit-bunny swam from one edge of the pool to the other edge, but it could not climb out itself. 

So here come my dustpan again, scoping it out from the pool. 

By then it must be very tired. It refused to even budge from the dustpan. 

So cute!!

Seeing that it was shivering (yes, the pool water is very cold as we just got out from winter), we left it at the bushland across the road in the sun. It took us more than a nudge to 'tip'/encourage the rabbit to hop onto the sunny green grass (refuse to move?!). After a second on the grass, it happily hopped into the bush.

What, no farewell?! =(

Haha, what an interesting experience. Hope you Mr bunny don't jump into the pool again. It's Dangerous!


07 October 2014

Cheap food!

How much do you think all these dishes cost?

These are small portion meals that are now popular in sydney. Eric and I likes them as they allows us not over eat yet try many food. As you know, Aussie food all comes in huge portion. With that, the price are quite huge too. That's why all new migrants are surely going to put on at least 5kg during their first year. 

So how much so you think they cost? =p

Clock wise from bottom right: Hand pulled pork rice $4.50, Kimchi pork rice $2.90, stew egg rice $2.50.

In total, $9.90!! I was surprised to get 10 cents back! 

It was a good filling dinner for us. *thumbs up!*


05 October 2014

Happy Sunday!

It's long weekend for us in sydney. 
Have a good day!

With spring, every flowering plant are blooming. Here's the orchid from home. =)


03 October 2014

Photo blog: strawberry jam making

We went to the farmers direct market on Tuesday after seeing a patient in that area. The trend now in Australia, is selling food that are still good to eat, but do not pass the supermarket 'eye' test. (Ie: looks weird, too small or too big fruits and vegetables, aka rejected food) Many tonnes of food from the farms had to be thrown away, because it does not pass the test of appearance, even though it is perfectly ok to eat.

So at this farmers direct market, they are sold cheaply, some times even three times lower than the normal ones. 

I saw boxes of strawberries for sale, 3 for $4. Usual is 2 for $5. They are smaller, some are squashed, but mostly are still ok.
So what did I do? I made strawberry jam out from it!

Firstly, clean and diced the strawberries. (There's a good 650g!)

Put equal amount of sugar as per strawberries. However, as being health conscious, I only put one third of the amount. Meaning I have to put my jam in the fridge and shorter shelf life ( I doubt that it will last long anyway. It's so yummy!). 

Pour all the strawberries and sugar plus three to four teaspoon of lemon/lime juice plus some lemon/lime seeds. 

Keep stirring till they are well cooked, and the juice is jelling up when cooked on a plate.

Sterilize the jars and lids and all the utensils.

Becareful it's very hot. I had a minute burn mark from the water splashing onto my arm, but all is good after applying fresh aloe Vera. *impressed* 

There you go! My low sugar strawberry jam! So for the $4 strawberries, I have two and a half bottles of jam! =D

My breakfast the next day.

That half bottle is gone by the third day. Haha. 

Love making my own jam. Eric could not believe that there were no colouring added, for the colour was so vibrant red!
