We went to the farmers direct market on Tuesday after seeing a patient in that area. The trend now in Australia, is selling food that are still good to eat, but do not pass the supermarket 'eye' test. (Ie: looks weird, too small or too big fruits and vegetables, aka rejected food) Many tonnes of food from the farms had to be thrown away, because it does not pass the test of appearance, even though it is perfectly ok to eat.
So at this farmers direct market, they are sold cheaply, some times even three times lower than the normal ones.
I saw boxes of strawberries for sale, 3 for $4. Usual is 2 for $5. They are smaller, some are squashed, but mostly are still ok.
So what did I do? I made strawberry jam out from it!
Firstly, clean and diced the strawberries. (There's a good 650g!)
Put equal amount of sugar as per strawberries. However, as being health conscious, I only put one third of the amount. Meaning I have to put my jam in the fridge and shorter shelf life ( I doubt that it will last long anyway. It's so yummy!).
Pour all the strawberries and sugar plus three to four teaspoon of lemon/lime juice plus some lemon/lime seeds.
Keep stirring till they are well cooked, and the juice is jelling up when cooked on a plate.
Sterilize the jars and lids and all the utensils.
Becareful it's very hot. I had a minute burn mark from the water splashing onto my arm, but all is good after applying fresh aloe Vera. *impressed*
There you go! My low sugar strawberry jam! So for the $4 strawberries, I have two and a half bottles of jam! =D
My breakfast the next day.
That half bottle is gone by the third day. Haha.
Love making my own jam. Eric could not believe that there were no colouring added, for the colour was so vibrant red!
Nice! Can sell the jams and make money! hahaha…
oo so that's how home-made jam is made.
Looks really pretty and appetizing!
cousin jieyi
It must feel nice to be able to make your own low sugar strawberry jam - no preservatives and no artificial colourings.
you all can try making your own jam at home too! Just makes sure they are fresh and cheap to be 'economical' to make your own. =)
they goes very well with pancakes with whipped cream... yummm...
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