15 December 2014

Sydney hostage!!!

**Update: There's two other hostage that manage to escape!! Praise the Lord!**


Omg, this is so shocking!
Catch it live as it unfolds here: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/nsw/lindt-chocolat-cafe-hostage-drama-in-martin-place-sydney-20141215-1278cx.html

At 9.44am, one or even two person enter the Lindt cafe in the middle of Martin place, Sydney, and held the people in the cafe hostage. Just five mins ago, three hostage had escape, but many are still in the cafe. The number are unknown, but they estimate as many as 50 people are in there. 

The three person who escape are two customers and a cafe worker. 

It was such shocking news when I realised it was the Lindt cafe. We quickly txt our friend whom gave us free Lindt cakes to see if that was where she worked or she knows anyone in the situation. The answer was no, it was not her shop, and thankfully, two of her friends who worked there in that Lindt cafe under attacked was not on duty today. 

Please pray that the situation will come to no violence peacefully and that every hostage will be free safely. Also please pray for wisdom for the police force. Pray also that God will continue to soften the hearts of the gunman involved. 

The whole city CBD is under lock down and people evacuated from the city. 

Stay tune and pray!


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