31 March 2015

Fresh peas!

Eric bought a bag of fresh peas last week. Have you seen a fresh pea before? I have not till last week. And I have not tried eating a fresh pea prior too! All my peas are the frozen ones from the supermarket. 

As Eric was not sure what to do with them, he only bought about a kg of it, selling at a super discount of $2/kg! These peas are usually $7-9/kg in the markets.

So peel them open like this, and you can see the beautiful rows of peas, lying in there next to one another.

Some are really full to the brim, while some are still young. Like the ones below, they are the baby peas.

The peas that are big and fat to the brim have a slight bitter taste when eaten fresh. While the baby peas are sweet. However, the bitterness in the peas will be gone after cooking, leaving just the nice sweet taste.

Does this look like those expensive Japanese melons? Haha

Here's all the peas all peeled and ready for cooking! There's so much pods 'wasted'. We had them composted. For every pea pods, will have about 1/4 pods weight, and 3/4 pea weight.

I just had them boiled in salty water, and then seasoned them with some salt and pepper.  It taste really sweet, and I like it how it's slightly crunchy. =)



Small Kucing said...

are these sweet peas? looks like sweet peas .

If it's sweet peas, we would just stir fry with garlic. o need to take out the pods.

mun said...

Fresh peas when boiled must taste good. I think I have seen fresh peas in pods before.

Health Freak Mommy said...

We have lots of fresh sweet peas here! :) But my girls don't really like them.
Hope you'll have a great day with surprises greeting you like the double egg yolk! :)

kcantares said...

Hi mamakucing, sweet peas are a different variety of peas. Peas pods of sweet peas or snow peas are the only two edible peas variety, while the pea pods of Fresh peas are hard and inedible. So have to peel open them to get the peas inside. Have you tried frozen peas before??