09 March 2015


Milkshake has been in the house for almost 4.5 months now. He has grown sooooo much bigger. He's still a scary cat. Easily startled and loves hiding in small tight corners. 
He has his cheeky moments. Like walking into areas he's not suppose to, and testing our patience in doing tricks. 
He loves food. But since we left him at Grace's boss house over the cny trip holiday, he developed an expensive taste for food. (They spoil him with food) and the other day, after accidentally taste some roast duck meat (MIL shredding duck meat for noodles stir fry, and accidentally drop three pieces on the floor), he refused to eat his usual cat food! >_<

Milkshake being comforted on top of Eric's tummy. 

If milkshake is a dog, he'll look like this!

His usual hiding spot. 

Milkshake looking at his Ferraro ball. 
That's his favourite toy. Basically is just a long string with many layers of Ferraro Roche wrapper wrapped into a ball at the end. He loves chasing it and chewing/peeling it layer by layer. 

Look how big he has grown!


1 comment:

Small Kucing said...

meow...I want some too :)