02 August 2017

37 weeks 5 days

Woke up with severe epigastric pain at 4 am. As usual, I ate my dippits biscuits, hoping that it will subside in no time. However, it didn't happen. So I woke Eric up to get some warm milk from the kitchen. By then, the pain comes in waves and it's very excruciating pain. Is it contractions?

Had diarrhoea at 4.30 am. Hmmm my body clearing the bowels to prepare for labour? 
At 5 am, vomited out my milk, and cheese crackers. Yucks!
The contractions like pain is quite frequent and lasting mins. Quite unlike the contraction pain I was taught. 

Called up the hospital, and the midwife reckon I should keep on monitoring, and have some hydrolite to keep up hydration since I've diarrhoea and vomiting. She said it sounds like gastro. Wanted us to call back in an hour.

Eric made a hydrolite drink from the Gatorade powder we have in pantry. It's orange flavour. I sip it slowly, but within an hour, I threw it all up again. 

And similar thing happen again in an hour's time. By then, I was dehydrated, in waves of pain, with vomiting and diarrhoea. Then I realised, I should not have citrus flavour drink during labour. So I got Eric to make warm water with sugar and salt, and within mins, I'm much better. By then, it's already 9 am. I was exhausted. Pain is less frequent and intense. We called up hospital again to update them, and they reckon I should just monitor my condition. 

I finally able to sleep after 9 am with just waves of cramps every 30 mins. 

My first meal is at 12.40 pm, and it's breakfast oats. Oh it tasted so heavenly. 

We decided to head to the midwife appointment in the afternoon and they reckon I just had a gastro bug. Not contractions. Baby is still well. So they are not too worried. 

So let's hope tonight will be a better night, and baby will be safe and happy, staying in for a few more days. 

Thank you Eric for your support throughout the night and skipping a whole day of uni to look after me. Hug! Oh what an experience. 


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