19 September 2013


A few weeks ago, I had put a scenario out to my friends on Facebook.

I had chatted to my friends, mum and a few of my church friends about it.

If it was  you, what would you do?

The drain was blocked, so had to use buckets for catching the water from washing machine. It was the final rinse and you realised your mum/friend/housemate/dad/husband/wife had wander off elsewhere and had forgotten to keep an eye on the water in the bucket. Water in the bucket is overflowing and flooding throughout the laundry.....what would you do? And why?

A: try stop the washing machine, let whoever know so as to get their attention. Maybe help clean up the mess?

B: try stop the washing machine, let whoever know so as to get their attention. Then go away, since they create the problem, they deal with the mess.

C: try stop the washing machine, not let them know, then walk away. They can deal with it when they realised their forgetfulness.

D: try stop the washing machine, not let them know, then walked away. If they came back n realised of the mess, tell them that you saw it flooding the laundry and had tried to stop the washing machine. Then walked away and let them clean up the mess.

This obviously happened when we found out that the pipes were leaking and we had to stop using the washing machine. The only way we can get by those weeks, were to fill the buckets and carry it down a level to the bottom level's toilet and pour it away. Very heavy and dangerous job, for the stairs are all carpeted and every time, we don't know when the water will be out next! =(

The worst thing was, the IN-LAWS were back. Not one, BUT TWO!!!!

Anyway, what will you do in the above scenario? A, B, C, D?

Personally, A will be my immediate answer, B if I think they can clean up the place adequately themselves.

Because if I do that, don't you reckon it is very 欠扁 (asking for trouble), or just plain selfish.

Well... will update on this episode on another day.


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