While browsing the supermarket today, Eric and I came across this gem. It's goat's milk!
Have you tried it before?
Well we have not, and why not try it when it's on 85% DISCOUNT!!!!
See that many bar code sticker on the bottom right of the carton. It must have been reduced and reduced and further reduced. The grand total we paid for was.........50 ...er, I cannot find the symbol for it... .... Oh well.... 50 CENTS!
So, I had heard many ppl who claims giants milk is better than cows milk. Better absorption, easier to digest than cows milk. Good for ppl with allergies and asthmatics. Better for lungs?
And since Eric is still coughing, and he is intolerance to cows milk, why not try this, since it's only 50 cents. Hohoho.
So, what's the verdict?
Hmmm... goats milk does not have the same taste as cow's.... It taste like... errr... Goat. Or according to some ppl who commended online, it taste like a sheep pen that hadn't been cleaned. Lol.
This was Eric's expression after the first sip. >o<
Even though his favourite meat is lamb, and I'd say the milk taste like kambing soup, he finds the milk difficult to swallow.
Taste aside, it is very smooth and creamy.
I think I prefers it warm than cold from the fridge. Makes the lamby taste easier to swallow. I have a feeling that I may be the only one finishing the goats milk. Will try it with milo tomorrow and see how it fares.
Has any one tried goats milk before and do you like it?
Gd night!
I have tried goat's milk once a long time ago from a vendor direct from the goat's farm (not from supermarket shelves). Can't say that I like it.
I have never tried goat's milk before. Does it have a very strong milk taste? Chinese say that it is very 'heaty'.
Yea, I think both Eric and I won't buy it again. haha.
It had a very creamy texture, however, very lamby after taste. >_< I guess is personal preference.
( my MIL who is very sensitive to cows milk, has no problem with the goats milk. So she ended up drinking it all up. =D)
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