26 June 2015

Tomato got injured.

My Tomato has a cracked windscreen! >_<

It happened on the way to worked. While driving, this big pebble dropped straight down from the sky like shooting star. Followed by a loud 'piak', it landed at the bottom corner of the windscreen near the wipers. I'm like, where the hell did the pebble come from? No trees, no big trucks...

Sadly, the force of it made a two cm sized crack. I tried driving slowly over speed humps and avoid potholes. And when I got to the destination, the crack didn't expand. *phew!*

1.5 hours later, I came back to my car, to see this big long crack that grew out from the initial impact. >_<

Can you see it?

Sorry for the blur photo. It's a very clear and reflective day. 

 I'm so sad. Need to pay $200 tomorrow to get it fixed. I think the crack must have grew as the windscreen got heated under the sun. (Big temperature difference) 

Looking back, at least it wasn't hit on the top of the screen. Can't imagine how the windscreen will break, or even hit me! =s


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